Click chart to enlarge
Chart from recommended resource Jensen's Survey of the NT - used by permission
Romans Overview Chart - Charles Swindoll
Romans 1:18-3:20 | Romans 3:21-5:21 | Romans 6:1-8:39 | Romans 9:1-11:36 | Romans 12:1-16:27 |
God's Holiness In Condemning Sin |
God's Grace In Justifying Sinners |
God's Power In Sanctifying Believers |
God's Sovereignty In Saving Jew and Gentile |
Gods Glory The Object of Service |
Deadliness of Sin |
Design of Grace |
Demonstration of Salvation | ||
Power Given | Promises Fulfilled | Paths Pursued | ||
Righteousness Needed |
Righteousness Credited |
Righteousness Demonstrated |
Righteousness Restored to Israel |
Righteousness Applied |
God's Righteousness IN LAW |
God's Righteousness IMPUTED |
God's Righteousness OBEYED |
God's Righteousness IN ELECTION |
God's Righteousness DISPLAYED |
Slaves to Sin | Slaves to God | Slaves Serving God | ||
Doctrine | Duty | |||
Life by Faith | Service by Faith | |||
Modified from Irving L. Jensen's chart above |
Explanation - The following list includes not only commentaries but other Christian works by well known evangelical writers. Most of the resources below are newer works (written after 1970) which previously were available only for purchase in book form or in a Bible computer program. The resources are made freely available by archive.org but have several caveats - (1) they do not allow copy and paste, (2) they can only be checked out for one hour (but can be checked out immediately when your hour expires giving you time to read or take notes on a lengthy section) and (3) they require creating an account which allows you to check out the books free of charge. To set up an account click archive.org and then click the picture of the person in right upper corner and enter email and a password. That's all you have to do. Then you can read these more modern resources free of charge! I have read or used many of these resources but not all of them so ultimately you will need to be a Berean (Acts 17:11+) as you use them. I have also selected works that are conservative and Biblically sound. If you find one that you think does not meet those criteria please send an email at https://www.preceptaustin.org/
The Epistle to the Romans Morris, Leon Lamb. The Epistle to the Romans. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1988. Gives evidence of the author's lifetime of devotion to the NT. This commentary is delightfully easy to read, even while introducing the reader to all the complexities of Paul's theology. The footnotes take into account recent scholarship. One of Morris' strong points is his ability to show the relevancy of Romans to our 20th century milieu. Very helpful!
The Preacher's Outline & Sermon Bible : New Testament, King James Version - Acts, Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians - This is a very useful resource which always includes numerous related cross-references. It will be of aid to you preaching and teaching.
Johnson, Alan F The Freedom Letter. 2 vols. Chicago: Moody Press, 1985. A contemporary exposition of the theme and content of Paul's Roman episode. This edition is an expansion of the single volume 1974 work that proved invaluable to laypeople.
A critical and exegetical commentary on the Epistle to the Romans by Cranfield, C. E. B
A commentary on Romans 12-13 by Cranfield, C. E. B
Encountering the book of Romans : a theological survey by Moo, Douglas J
Romans : celebrating the good news by Moo, Douglas J
The Epistle to the Romans by Moo, Douglas J - New International Commentary on the New Testament
he Epistle to the Romans, New International Commentary, 1960. Murray, John, He will guide you stolidly with the heavy tread of the proverbial village policeman (though with more theology; and not especially the useful appendices and notes).
St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans : a devotional commentary by Thomas, W. H. Griffith
Romans, Life Application Bible Commentary, 1992. Barton, Bruce B., In short compass he develops the themes of Romans along traditionally Reformed lines.
The Epistle of Paul to the Romans : an introduction and commentary (TNTC) by Bruce, F. F. (1983) User reviews
The Epistle of Paul to the Romans : an introduction and commentary by Bruce, F. F. (1963) 296 pages 13 ratings Rosscup ranks this the 5th best (out of 10) expositional commentary.
The Expositor's Bible Commentary - 1994 edition - Abridged - New Testament
Be right (Romans) by Wiersbe, Warren
Be right : an expository study of Romans by Wiersbe, Warren
Romans : how to be right with God, yourself, and others by Wiersbe, Warren
Tree of Life Bible Commentary: The Epistle to the Romans by Jon Courson - interesting work. Not your typical commentary on Romans. Courson is a preacher and he has frequent illustrations. Worth checking out if you are preaching through Romans. 3 ratings
The Epistle to the Romans by Archer, Gleason
Romans volume 1 by McGee, J. Vernon Romans volume 2
Romans 9-16 by McGee, J. Vernon
Reasoning through Romans by McGee, J. Vernon
Word biblical commentary Romans 1-8 James Dunn
Word biblical commentary - Romans 9-16 by James D G Dunn
Romans by Dunn, James D. G.
From guilt to glory Romans 1-8 by Stedman, Ray C
Romans, Baker Exegetical Commentary of the New Testament, Schreiner, Thomas, 944 pages. In the latest addition to BECNT, Schreiner presents a fresh analysis of the substantive Book of Romans. It features many distinctives.
Romans by Sproul, R. C. An outstanding, popular exposition focusing on the essential teaching of this grand epistle. As always, Sproul is crystal clear presenting Biblical Christianity through this masterful letter. Highly recommended.
Journey into life : a study on Romans by Kroll, Woodrow
Men made new : an exposition of Romans 5-8
Romans in the Greek New Testament for the English reader by Wuest, Kenneth - Generally goes verse by verse but excellent explanation of the meanings of the Greek words Paul uses. I always find Kenneth Wuest very insightful for in depth study.
Half-hours with William Hendriksen : stirring devotional surveys of Romans, Philippians, Luke and Revelation, with other gems by Hendriksen, William,
Romans, an Expositional Commentary. Volume I, Justification by Faith, Romans 1-4, Boice, James M.
Romans : God's good news for the world by Stott, John - Stott had a previous work just on Romans 5-8, Men Made New (1966). Now with treatment of the whole book, he has one of the best overall popular and highly readable expositions of Romans.
The Epistle of Paul to the Romans : an exposition. by Erdman, Charles R.
Coming to terms with sin : a study of Romans 1-5 : Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
Learning to walk by grace : a study of Romans 6-11 : Bible study guide by Swindoll, Charles
Relating to others in love : a study of Romans 12-16 by Swindoll, Charles
Chronological and Background Charts of the NEW TESTAMENT - Pdf - D Wayne House - outstanding compilation of charts - check this one out!. This book can also be borrowed = Chronological and background charts of the New Testament
J.Sidlow Baxter: Explore The Book - pdf Vol. 6 Acts to Revelation
Man's Ruin - Romans 1:1-32 - Expository Messages (1952) 330 pages. - Donald Grey Barnhouse
The book of Romans by Blackaby, Henry T.
Romans by Hodge, Charles, 1797-1878 (Crossway Classic series)
Romans by Achtemeier, Paul J
Romans : an exposition of chapters 2:1-3:20, the righteous judgment of God by Lloyd-Jones, David Martyn
The MacArthur Study Bible - John MacArthur. Brief but well done notes 1,275 ratings
HCSB Study Bible - conservative notes.
The David Jeremiah study bible - (2013) 2208 pages. 2,272 ratings Logos.com - "Drawing on more than 40 years of study, Dr. David Jeremiah has compiled a legacy resource that will make an eternal impact on generations to come. 8,000 study notes. Hundreds of enriching word studies"50+ Essentials of the Christian Faith" articles."
ESV Study Bible - Excellent resource but not always literal in eschatology and the nation of Israel 6,004 ratings
Believer's Bible Commentary by MacDonald, William (1995) 2480 pages
Dr. John MacArthur, Jr. - "Concise yet comprehensive - the most complete single-volume commentary I have seen."
Warren Wiersbe - "For the student who is serious about seeing Christ in the Word."
Life application study Bible : New Living Translation. Has some very helpful notes. 4,445 ratings
KJV Bible Commentary - Hindson, Edward E; Kroll, Woodrow Michael. Over 3000 pages of the entire OT/NT - no restriction on length of time one can use it. No copy and paste. Well done conservative commentary that interprets Scripture from a literal perspective. User reviews - it generally gets 4/5 stars from users. - 372 ratings
Very well done conservative commentary that interprets Scripture from a literal perspective (pre-millennial) user reviews
The King James Version Bible Commentary is a complete verse-by-verse commentary. It is comprehensive in scope, reliable in scholarship, and easy to use. Its authors are leading evangelical theologians who provide practical truths and biblical principles. Any Bible student will gain new insights through this one-volume commentary based on the timeless King James Version of the Bible.
NKJV Study Bible: New King James Version Study Bible by Radmacher, Earl D; Allen, Ronald Barclay; House, H. Wayne; 917 ratings Very helpful notes. Conservative.
The NIV study Bible by Barker, Kenneth L; Burdick, Donald W (1995) 2250 pages. Note this is the first edition. This resource has been fully revised in 2020.
The Defender's Study Bible : King James Version by Morris, Henry M. Excellent notes for well known creationist. 45 ratings
The Ryrie study Bible - Charles Ryrie (1978) 2142 pages. Conservative. 216 ratings
Ryrie Study Bible Expanded Edition (1994) 2232 pages
The Word in life Study Bible - Very interesting format. Not your routine study Bible. Worth checking the very informative notes. (e.g., here is a picture of Jesus' post-resurrection appearances.)
New Bible Commentary - (1994) See user reviews
The Experiencing God Study Bible : the Bible for knowing and doing the will of God - Blackaby, Henry (1996) 1968 pages - CHECK THIS ONE! Each chapter begins with several questions under the title "PREPARE TO MEET GOD." Then you will interesting symbols before many of the passages. The chapter ends with a "DID YOU NOTICE?" question. This might make a "dry chapter" jump off the page! Read some of the 48 ratings
Wycliffe Bible Commentary - OT and NT - Charles Pfeiffer - 1560 pages (1962). 214 ratings Less detailed than the KJV Bible Commentary.
The New Testament and Wycliffe Bible commentary - This version has no time restriction but only has the NT.
Wiersbe's Expository Outlines on the New Testament by Wiersbe, Warren W
Cyril Barber - This is a book of exceptional merit. Pastors, missionaries, and Christian workers will profit from its use. Wiersbe introduces each book of the NT, provides an outline, and then furnishes his readers with a chapter-by-chapter discussion of the contents. The homiletic style is a “plus.” Recommended.
DICTIONARY OF JESUS AND THE GOSPELS - interesting articles in some depth
Compact Bible commentary by Radmacher, Earl D; Allen, Ronald Barclay; House, H Wayne, et al - 954 pages. 424 ratings Multiple contributors to the comments which are often verse by verse. The comments are brief but meaty and can really help your study through a given book. A sleeper in my opinion.
NIV archaeological study Bible (2005) 2360 pages 950 ratings (See also Archaeology and the Bible - OT and NT)
NIV cultural backgrounds study Bible. bringing to life the ancient world of scripture Keener, Craig and Walton, John. Editors (2017)
Evangelical Commentary on the Bible - editor Walter Elwell (1989) 1239 pages. User reviews.
Eerdmans' family encyclopedia of the Bible (1978) 344 pages
Eerdmans' handbook to the Bible (1983) 688 pages
The Lion handbook to the Bible - (1999) 822 pages. This resource is absolutely loaded with very nice color pictures and charts.
Tyndale handbook of Bible charts & maps by Wilson, Neil
Bible handbook and A-Z bible encyclopedia
International children's Bible field guide : answering kids' questions from Genesis to Revelation by Richards, Larry
The illustrated guide to Bible customs & curiosities by Knight, George W. (George William),
Today's handbook of Bible times & customs by Coleman, William L
The Shaw pocket Bible handbook - Editor - Walter Elwell (1984) 408 pages.
"This hardback is small in size but packed full of content: Brief summaries of every book of the bible, cultural, archaeological and historical info, word definitions, pictures, maps and charts." Worth checking!
Zondervan illustrated Bible backgrounds commentary - New Testament - 552 pages. (2002) See user reviews.
The new Unger's Bible dictionary by Unger, Merrill Frederick, 1909-
Survey of the Bible : introductory insights, background studies, book-by- book survey by Unger, Merrill Frederick
The parallel New Testament and Unger's Bible handbook : produced for Moody monthly by Unger, Merrill (1975) 744 pages 4 ratings
The Hodder Bible handbook by Unger, Merrill
Nelson's expository dictionary of the Old Testament by Unger, Merrill
Kregel Bible handbook : a full-color guide to every book of the Bible by Kerr, William 3 ratings
The new encyclopedia of Christian quotations by Water, Mark
Zondervan handbook to the Bible
Zondervan illustrated Bible backgrounds commentary - Matthew, Mark, Luke
Background Commentary on Luke - Clinton Arnold
Dictionary of Paul and his letters 180 ratings IVP Series
The Dictionary of Paul and His Letters is a one-of-a-kind reference work. Following the format of its highly successful companion volume, the Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, this Dictionary is designed to bring students, teachers, ministers and laypeople abreast of the established conclusions and significant recent developments in Pauline scholarship. No other single reference work presents as much information focused exclusively on Pauline theology, literature, background and scholarship. In a field that recently has undergone significant shifts in perspective, the Dictionary of Paul and His Letters offers a summa of Paul and Pauline studies. In-depth articles focus on individual theological themes (such as law, resurrection and Son of God), broad theological topics (such as Christology, eschatology and the death of Christ), methods of interpretation (such as rhetorical criticism and social-scientific approaches), background topics (such as apocalypticism, Hellenism and Qumran) and various other subjects specifically related to the scholarly study of Pauline theology and literature (such as early catholicism, the center of Paul's theology, and Paul and his interpreters since F. C. Baur). Separate articles are also devoted to each of the Pauline letters to hermeneutics and to preaching Paul today.
Dictionary of the later New Testament & its developments 71 ratings IVP Series
The third of IVP's critically acclaimed series of dictionaries of the New Testament provides focused study on the often-neglected portions of the New Testament: Acts, Hebrews, the General Epistles, and Revelation. Furthermore, its scope goes beyond the life of the New Testament church to include the work of the apostolic fathers and early Christianity up through the middle of the second century.
Dictionary of New Testament background 79 ratings IVP Series
In a time when our knowledge of the ancient Mediterranean world has grown by leaps and bounds, this volume sets out for readers the wealth of Jewish and Greco-Roman background that should inform our reading and understanding of the New Testament and early Christianity. The Dictionary of New Testament Background takes full advantage of the flourishing study of the Dead Sea Scrolls and offers individual articles focused on the most important scrolls. In addition, the Dictionary encompasses the fullness of second-temple Jewish writings, whether pseudepigraphic, rabbinic, parables, proverbs, histories or inscriptions. Articles abound on aspects of Jewish life and thought, including family, purity, liturgy and messianism. The full scope of Greco-Roman culture is displayed in articles ranging across language and rhetoric, literacy and book culture, religion and cults, honor and shame, patronage and benefactors, travel and trade, intellectual movements and ideas, and ancient geographical perspectives. No other reference work presents so much in one place for students of the New Testament. Here an entire library of scholarship is made available in summary form.
Halley's Bible Handbook Henry H. Halley - (2000) 2720 pages (much larger than original edition in 1965 and no time limit on use). (Halley's Bible handbook : an abbreviated Bible commentary - one hour limit 1965 872 pages)
Rosscup - A much-used older evangelical handbook bringing together a brief commentary on Bible books, some key archaeological findings, historical background, maps, quotes, etc. It is helpful to a lay Bible teacher, Sunday School leader, or pastor looking for quick, pertinent information on a Bible book. This is the 72nd printing somewhat revised. Halley packed in much information. Unger’s is better overall, but that is not to say that Halley’s will not provide much help on basic information.
The Shaw Pocket Bible Handbook - Editor - Walter Elwell (1984) 408 pages.
"This hardback is small in size but packed full of content: Brief summaries of every book of the bible, cultural, archaeological and historical info, word definitions, pictures, maps and charts." Worth checking!
Romans 1:2
Romans 1:3
Romans 1:4
Romans 1:5
Romans 1:6
Romans 1:7
Romans 1:8
Romans 1:9
Romans 1:10
Romans 1:11
Romans 1:12
Romans 1:13
Romans 1:14
Romans 1:15
Romans 1:16
Romans 1:17
Romans 1:18
Romans 1:19
Romans 1:20
Romans 1:21
Romans 1:22
Romans 1:23
Romans 1:24
Romans 1:25
Romans 1:26
Romans 1:27
Romans 1:28
Romans 1:29
Romans 1:30
Romans 1:31
Romans 1:32
DANNY AKIN - President SE Baptist Seminary - sermons - includes manuscripts, outlines, audios...
- Introduction to Romans
- Romans 1:1-3a: The Gospel: A Study on Romans 1:1-3a
- Romans 1:3-4 What Think Ye of Christ? A study on Romans 1:3-4
- Romans 1:3b and Luke 1:26-35 Why I Believe in the Virgin Birth
- Romans 1:4 The Resurrection of Jesus Christ
- Romans 1:5-7 The Grace of God Romans 1:8-17 God's Power
- Romans 1:17-18 Righteousness or Wrath -- Which Will It Be?
- Romans 1:18-23 Are the Heathen Lost?
- Romans 1:24-32 The Consequences of Rejecting Light
- Romans 1:1a: Paul: A Man God Can Use
- Romans 1:1b Eternal Works of God
- Romans 1:2-7 Good News of God
- Romans 1:8-15 Debtor of God's Good News
- Romans 1:16-18 Man's Desperation/God's Good News-1
- Romans 1:19-32 Man's Desperation/God's Good News-2
- Romans 1:1-17 Paul’s Manifesto, Mission, & Message
- Romans 1:18-32 Trampled Truth
- Romans 1 - same material different format
- Romans 1:1 The Credentials of Paul the Apostle - Part 1
- Romans 1:2-7 The Credentials of Paul the Apostle - Part 2
- Romans 1:8-15 What Every Christian Should Be
- Romans 1:16-17 Not Ashamed of the Gospel
- Romans 1:16-17 A Gospel Worth Sharing
- Romans 1:18 The Wrath of God
- Romans 1:18-23 The Reasons for the Wrath of God
- Romans 1:24-32 The Results of Man's Rebellion
- Romans 1:1-7 Notes Romans 1:18-23; Romans 1:24-32
- Romans 1:1-7 (different notes);
- Romans 1:8-17; Ro 1:18-23; Ro 1:24-32
- Romans 1:1, Introduction: Romans: The Gospel of God
- Romans 1:2-4: The Gospel of God: Described
- Romans 1:5-7: The Gospel of God: To the Nations
- Romans 1:8-15 Serving Saints
- Romans 1:16-17: The Gospel: God’s Power for Salvation
- Romans 1:18-23: Is God’s Wrath Justified?
- Romans 1:24-27: Going Down, Down, Down, Part 1
- Romans 1:28-32: Going Down, Down, Down, Part 2
- Romans 1:1 A Word that Would Remake the World
- Romans 1:1-29 How God Saves Sinners
- Romans 1:17-21 The Abomination that is Humanity
- Romans 1:1 Paul
- Romans 1:2 he had promised afore
- Romans 1:3 according to the flesh
- Romans 1:4 resurrection from the dead
- Romans 1:8 for you all
- Romans 1:13 let
- Romans 1:14 Barbarians
- Romans 1:16 power of God to the Jew first
- Romans 1:17 it is written
- Romans 1:20 from the creation things that are madeeternal power Godhead without excuse
- Romans 1:21 when they knew God
- Romans 1:22 became fools
- Romans 1:25 creature more than the Creator
- Romans 1:26 vile affections
- Romans 1:28 did not like to retain gave them over
- Introduction to Romans
- Romans 1:1-17 A Look at the Book
- Romans 1:18-32 No Excuse for the Heathen
- Preface to Romans
- Romans 1-16 Exploring the Riches of the Book of Romans
- Romans 1:1-3:26 Righteousness: It’s Not What You Know or Who You Are
- Romans 1:1-17 Paul’s Motivation for Ministry
- Romans 1:15-32 Present Wrath of God
- Romans 1:1-7 I Believe in Jesus Christ, His Only Son, Our Lord Romans 1:1-7 Greetings from an Apostle
- Romans 1:8-10 Paul's Prayer Report
- Romans 1:11-15 Paul's Purpose to Preach
- Romans 1:16-17 Paul's Good News (The Theme of Romans)
- Romans 1:18-20 We Have No Excuse
- Romans 1:21-23 We Know God, But Don't Glorify Him
- Romans 1:24-25 God Gave Them Over (1)
- Romans 1:26-27 God Gave Them Over (2)
- Romans 1:28-32 God Gave Them Over (3)
- Romans 1-5, 8-17 What Do You Think Of The Gospel?
- Romans 1:18-32 Who Needs The Gospel? They Do!
- Romans 1:1-17 Good News To Tell
- Romans 1:1-6 What Is it To Preach The Gospel
- Romans 1:1-7, 16-17 The Gospel Defined
- Romans 1:6 The Called
- Romans 1:6-17 Gods Church and Gods Preacher
- Romans 1:14-17 Why I Preach the Gospel
- Romans 1:16 Recovering the Gospel
- Romans 1:15-20 I am not Ashamed of the Gospel
- Romans 1:15 Ready
- Romans 1:17 The Just Shall Live by Faith
- Romans 1:18-32 God Gave Them Up
- Romans 1:18 The Wrath of God
D B GARLINGTON - Excellent Discussion of Faith and Obedience (cf "obedience of faith" in Ro 1:5)
- Garlington, D. B. "The Obedience of Faith in the Letter to the Romans: Part I: (Excellent Discussion of Faith and Obedience)
- Garlington, D. B. "The Obedience of Faith in the Letter to the Romans: Part II:
- Garlington, D. B. "The Obedience of Faith in the Letter to the Romans: Part III:
- Garlington, D. B. "The Obedience of Faith in the Letter to the Romans: Part III(b):
- Romans 1:1-7 Preface - The Address
- Romans 1:8-15 The Interest Long Taken by the Apostle in the Christians of Rome
- Romans 1:16-17 The Statement of the Subject
- Romans 1 Excursus on the Word "To Justify"
- Romans 1-5 The Fundamental Part
- Romans 1:18-32 The Wrath of God on Gentiles
- Romans 1:1-7 What a Christian Believes
- Romans 1:8-15 Characteristics of Faithfulness
- Romans 1:16,17 Not Ashamed
- Romans 1:18-24 To Those Who "Never Knew"
- Romans 1:24-32 When God Gives Up
- Introduction: Rome in the Days of Paul: The Setting
- Romans 1:1-15 Prologue to Prison
- Romans 1:16, 17 The Power of GOD
- Romans 1:18-32 The Wrath of GOD
- Background Material and Argument of the Book
- Romans 1:1-7 Exposition
- Romans 1:8-15 Exposition
- Romans 1:16-17 Exposition
- Romans 1:18-32 Exposition
- Romans 1:16-20 Plain as Day
- Romans 1:18-20 What Everyone Knows About God
- Romans 1:19-20 Why I Believe in God (1983)
- Romans 1:19-20 Why I Believe in God (1990)
- Romans 1:19-20 Can Atheists Go To Heaven?
- Romans 1:21-32 Turning Your Back on God
- Romans 1:21-32 World In Decline
- Romans 1:21-32 Why We Are Hung Up On Sex
- Romans 1:28-32 The Slippery Slope
- Romans - Title, Contents, and Introduction
- Romans 1:1-7 Salutation in the Gospel
- Romans 1:8-15 Introduction to the Gospel
- Romans 1:16-17 Theme, the Gospel of the Righteousness of God
- Romans 1:18-3:20 The Unrighteousness of Man, the Bad News
- Romans 1 Commentary - Sanday and Headlam
- Romans 1:1-7 The Messiah That Paul Preached
- Romans 1:8-17 The Gospel That Paul Preached
- Romans 1:18-23 All Mankind on Death Row
- Romans 1:24-32 Divine Retribution
- Romans 1:1–7 A Ministry Mentality
- Romans 1:8-15 Church on a Mission
- Romans 1:16-17 No Apologies Necessary
- Romans 1:18-32 The Black Velvet Backdrop
- Romans 1:16-17: A Message To Be Proud Of
- Romans 1:18: The Wrath Of God
- Romans 1:16-25: Christian Science and Scientology
- Romans 1:19-32: When God Gives Up
- Romans 1:20-32: Hinduism
MARTYN LLOYD-JONES - while only Mp3's they corresponds to his 14 volume print set on Romans
- Romans Sermon Series in great depth - Mp3's
- Romans 1 - The Plight of Man and the Power of God (book dealing with various passages in Romans 1)
- Romans 1:14KJV "I Am A Debtor"
- Romans 1:18 The Wrath of God
- Romans Introduction - author, date, setting, themes, interpretative challenges
- Romans 1 And Now for the Good News
- Romans - Questions and Answers on Romans 1-2
- Romans 1:1 The Preacher of the Good News
- Romans 1:1 The Man and the Message
- Romans 1:1-4 The Good News of Resurrection
- Romans 1:2-4 The Promise and Person of the Good News
- Romans 1:4b-7 Provision, Proclamation, Privilege & Purpose of Good News
- Romans 1:8-10a Marks of True Spiritual Service 1 - Study Guide
- Romans 1:8-10a Marks of True Spiritual Service 1
- Romans 1:10-12 Marks of True Spiritual Service 2 - Study Guide
- Romans 1:10-12 Marks of True Spiritual Service 2
- Romans 1:13-18 Marks of True Spiritual Service 3 - Study Guide
- Romans 1:13-18 Marks of True Spiritual Service 3
- Romans 1:16-17 The Gospel of Christ
- Romans 1:18 The Wrath of God
- Romans 1:18-32 The Reality of God's Wrath
- Romans 1:18-32 When God Abandons a Nation
- Romans 1:18-32 What's Wrong with America?
- Romans 1:18-32 Assorted Attacks on the Bible
- Romans 1:19-20 Reasons for the Wrath of God, Pt. 1
- Romans 1:21-22 Reasons for the Wrath of God, Pt. 2
- Romans 1:22 Reasons for the Wrath of God, Pt. 3
- Romans 1:23 Reasons for the Wrath of God, Pt. 4
- Romans 1:24-25 Abandoned by God, Part 1
- Romans 1:26-32 Abandoned by God, Part 2
- Romans 1:26-32 What the Bible Teaches About Homosexuality
- Romans 1:4 The Witness of the Resurrection
- Romans 1:7 Privilege and Obligation
- Romans 1:11-12 Paul's Longing
- Romans 1:14 Debtors to All Men
- Romans 1:16 The Gospel: The Power of God
- Romans 1 Commentary
- Romans 1:1-4 Set Apart to Preach the Gospel
- Romans 1:1-5 The Everlasting Gospel
- Romans 1:1-6 God's Preacher
- Romans 1:1-6 The Business of Preaching
- Romans 1:1-6 The Credentials of Gospel Preaching
- Romans 1:1-6 The Preacher and His Gospel
- Romans 1:1-4 Separated Unto the Gospel of Christ
- Romans 1:14 Recovering the Gospel
- Romans 1:14-17 Why I Preach the Gospel
- Romans 1:16 How Does One Learn the Gospel
- Romans 1:16 Not Ashamed of the Gospel
- Romans 1:16 The Gospel
- Romans 1:16-17 The Just Shall Live By Faith.
- Romans 1:16-18 I am Not Ashamed of the Gospel of Christ
- Romans 1:16-19 Power and Revelation of the Gospel
- Romans 1:16-19 The Revelation of the Gospel
- Romans 1:1-17 The Gospel of God
- Romans 1:8-15 The Blessing of Christian Fellowship
- Romans 1:16-17 The Glory of the Gospel, Part Two
- Romans 1:16-17 The Glory of the Gospel
- Romans 1:16-17 The Glory of the Gospel, Part Three
- Romans 1:18-32 The Giant Slide Down
- Romans 1:18-20 The Wrath of God
JOHN PAUL MILLER - Calvary Chapel
- Romans Commentary - 263 pages - outline format
- Romans 1 Commentary
- Romans 1 Commentary - Analyzed Bible
- Romans - Time, Place and Occasion
- Romans 1:1-7 The Writer and His Readers
- Romans 1:8-17 Good Report of the Roman Church: Paul Not Ashamed of the Gospel
- Romans 1:18-23 Need for the Gospel: God's Anger and Man's Sin
- Romans 1:24-32 Man Given Up to His Own Way: The Heathen
- Romans 1 Commentary (Cambridge)
- Romans 1 Commentary (Expositors)
- Romans 1:1-7 Set Apart for the Gospel
- Romans 1:1-7 Good News for Rome and Beyond
- Romans 1:8-13 The Church Encouraging the Church
- Romans 1:14-15 Debtors to the Gospel
- Romans 1:16 Not Ashamed of the Gospel
- Romans 1:17 The Righteousness of God in the Gospel
- Romans 1:18-20 02/17/08 Without Excuse
- Romans 1:21-23 Futile Worship
- Romans 1:24-27 God Gave Them Over
- Romans 1:28-32 The Peril of a Depraved Mind
OUR DAILY BREAD - may need to click second time to open full devotional
- Romans 1:8-16
- Romans 1:8-16
- Romans 1:8-23
- Romans 1:12
- Romans 1:14
- Romans 1:14-17
- Romans 1:16
- Romans 1:16
- Romans 1:16
- Romans 1:16
- Romans 1:17
- Romans 1:18
- Romans 1:18
- Romans 1:18ff
- Romans 1:18-24
- Romans 1:18-25
- Romans 1:18-25
- Romans 1:18-32
- Romans 1:18-32
- Romans 1:19
- Romans 1:20
- Romans 1:20
- Romans 1:20
- Romans 1:21
- Romans 1:21
- Romans 1:22
- Romans 1:22
- Romans 1:25
- Romans 1:28
- Romans 1:29
- Romans 1:14-17 Confessions of the Apostle Paul - J Robert White
- Romans 1-7 The Greatest Thing in the World: An Overview
- Romans 1:1 The Author of the Greatest Letter Ever Written
- Romans 1:1-4 God's Good News Concerning His Son
- Romans 1:1-5 By His Grace, for His Name
- Romans 1:6-7 The Called of Christ and the Loved of God: Part One
- Romans 1:6-7 The Called of Christ and the Loved of God: Part Two
- Romans 1:7-8 Thank God for Famous Faith
- Romans 1:8-15 The Treasure of Faith in the Life of the Church
- Romans 1:8-15 The Gospel in the Church for the Obedience of Faith through Spiritual Gifts
- Romans 1:16 Not Ashamed of the Gospel
- Romans 1:16 The Gospel Is the Power of God Unto Salvation
- Romans 1:16 To the Jew First and Also to the Greek
- Romans 1:16-17 How Does the Gospel Save Believers? Pt.1
- Romans 1:16-17 How Does the Gospel Save Believers? Pt.2
- Romans 1:16-17 How Does the Gospel Save Believers? Pt.3
- Romans 1:16-23 Proud People Don't Say Thanks
- Romans 1:18 The Wrath of God Against Ungodliness and Unrighteousness
- Romans 1:18-21 Displays of God Remove the Excuse for Failed Worship
- Romans 1:21-23 The First Dark Exchange: Idolatry
- Romans 1:24-28 The Other Dark Exchange: Homosexuality
- Romans 1:24-28 The Other Dark Exchange - Homosexuality Part Two
- Romans 1:28-32 The Perils of Disapproving God
- Romans 1:28-32 Doing and Endorsing Evil
- Romans 1:28-2:11 Final Judgment Eternal Life Vs Wrath and Fury
- Romans 1:1-7: To Rome With Love
- Romans 1:8-15: Heart to Heart Ministry
- Romans 1:16-17: The Text That Changed the World
- Romans 1:16-17 Martin Luther's Highway to Heaven
- Romans 1:17-29: Can a Person Be Too Religious?
- Romans 1:18-20 What About Those Who Never Hear Gospel?
- Romans 1:18-20 Forgotten Doctrine: The Wrath of God
- Romans 1:21-23: Nightmare on Main Street
- Romans 1:24-32: When God Gives Up
- Romans: Introduction
- Romans 1:1-17 The Gospel: The Good News
- Romans 1:18-23 Suppressing the Truth
- Romans 1:24-32 Sin, the Punishment of Sin
- Romans 1:9-16 - Questions of Prayers
- Romans 1:14-17 - The I Am's of Paul
- Romans 1:17 - Intersection of Faith and Life
- Romans 1:18-21 - He is a God Who Speaks
Click here to access the titles listed below - the Pdf has 1182 pages of sermons. Rogers is conservative, pithy and practical! He is one of the stellar expositors of the twentieth century. Highly recommended to aid your sermon and teaching preparation.
- The Book That Changed the World—Romans 1:1
- Life’s Greatest Adventure—Romans 1:14–16
- The Missionary Challenge—Romans 1:14–16
- Totally Abandoned to the Gospel—Romans 1:14–16
- No Other Way to Heaven Except Through Jesus—Romans 1:16
- The Need for Bold Believers—Romans 1:16
- Living By Faith—Romans 1:17; 10:11–21
- Midnight at High Noon—Romans 1:18–31
- The Lost World—Romans 1:18–31
- The Last Step on the Way Down—Romans 1:24
- Does Character Count?—Romans 1:28–32
- Introduction to the Book of Romans
- The Revelation of Righteousness
- Romans 1:18-3:20 Condemnation, or, the Universal Need of Righteousness
- Romans 1:14-17 I Am Not Ashamed
- Romans 1:1-17 Introduction To Romans
- Romans 1:18-25 No Excuse
- Romans 1:18-32 Steps To Depravity
- Romans 1:8 A Minister's Joy Over His People
- Romans 1:9-12 Paul's Love to the Church at Rome
- Romans 1:16 No Man to be Ashamed of the Gospel
- Romans 1:20,21 The Lost State of the Gentile World
- Romans 1:30 Men Haters of God
- Romans 1 Exposition
- Romans 1:7: The Beloved Pastor's Plea for Unity
- Romans 1:15 Paul the Ready
- Romans 1:17 Sermon Notes
- Romans 1:20-21: Inexcusable Irreverence and Ingratitude
- Romans 1:20-21: Knowledge. Worship. Gratitude
- Romans 1:1-17: Simple Christianity
- Romans 1:18-32: When Everyone Knows God
- Romans 1:1-17 Introduction To Life
- Romans 1:18-23 The Tragic Sense Of Life
- Romans 1:24-32 The Deepening Darkness
- Introduction to the Epistle to the Romans (Charts Included)
- Romans 1:1-7. Introduction and Prologue
- Romans 1:8-17. Proclaimers of the Gospel
- Romans 1:18-23. What Makes God Angry?
- Romans 1:24-32. When God Gives Up
- Outline of Romans (Broad)
- Outline of Romans (Detailed)
- Introduction to Romans
- Romans 1:1-17
- Romans 1:18-32
- Romans 1 Addendum
- Romans 1:1-7 Intro to Romans (1)
- Romans 1:1-7 Intro to Romans (2)
- Romans 1:16-23 Meaning of the Gospel
- Romans 1:24-2:3 Truth or Consequences
- Paul's Introduction - Romans 1:1-17
- Greetings - Romans 1:1-7
- Paul - Romans 1:1
- The Gospel Promised Beforehand - Romans 1:2
- A Description of Christ's Ministry - Romans 1:3-4
- We received grace and apostleship - Romans 1:5
- Who are called to belong to Jesus Christ - Romans 1:6
- Roman Saints - Romans 1:7
- Desire to Visit Rome - Romans 1:8-17
- I thank my God - Romans 1:8-10
- Spiritual gift - Romans 1:11
- Mutually encouraged - Romans 1:12
- Planned many times - Romans 1:13
- Paul's Divine Obligation - Romans 1:14 -15
- I am not ashamed of the Gospel - Romans 1:16
- Righteousness from God - Romans 1:17
- In Sin: Jews and Gentiles - Romans 1:18-3:20
- Gentile Sinfulness and General Revelation - Romans 1:18-32
- The Wrath of God - Romans 1:18
- What may be known about God - Romans 1:19-20
- For although they knew God - Romans 1:21
- Wise or fools? Romans 1:22-23
- God gave them over - Romans 1:24-25
- Natural relations . . . unnatural ones - Romans 1:26-27
- Did not think it worthwhile - Romans 1:28-31
- They know God's righteous decree - Romans 1:32
- 1:1 Paul’s Letter to the Romans
- 1:1 The Apostle Paul
- 1:1-4 What is the Gospel?
- 1:5-6 Paul’s Office & Commission
- 1:7 Christians are Loved by God and Called to be Saints
- 1:8-10 Paul’s Gratitude, Prayers and Unfulfilled Longings
- 1:11-13 Having the Very Best Ambitions for the Future
- 1:14-16 I am Debtor; I am Ready; I am not Ashamed
- 1:17 The Righteous Will Live by Faith
- 1:18 The Wrath of God
- 1:19-20 God is Plainly Revealed in Creation
- 1:21-23 They Exchanged the Glory of God for Idols
- 1:26-27 The Christian and Homosexual Actions
- 1:28-32 Why Everyone Needs a Saviour from Sin
- Introduction to Romans (Part 1)
- Introduction to Romans (Part 2)
- Romans 1:1-7
- Romans 1:8-15
- Romans 1:16-17
- Romans 1:18-20
- Romans 1:21-23
- Romans 1:24-32
- Romans 1:1 Introduction - "Are You Willing To Be A Slave?"
- Romans 1:2-7a - "Called By God For A Holy Purpose"
- Romans 1:7b-10 - "Walk In His Grace As A Grace Extender"
- Romans 1:11-12 - "I'll Encourage You, You Encourage Me"
- Romans 1:13-16 - "The Power Of The Gospel Is God's Power In Your Life"
- Romans 1:17-20 - "Every Knee Will Bow, And Every Tongue Confess, Jesus Christ As Lord"
- Romans 1:21-25 - "Professing To Be Wise, They Became Fools"
- Romans 1:26-32 - "God's Grace Is Greater Than The Vileness Of Sin. Praise God!"
The Power of the Gospel | Romans 1:16-17 | Grant, Scott | Romans: The Letter that Changes the World |
The Story of the Gospel | Romans 1:1-15 | Grant, Scott | Romans: The Letter that Changes the World |
The Power of Faith | Romans 1:16-17 | Hall, Danny | The Just Shall Live By Faith |
Glorify God In Your Body | Romans 1:24-27 | Zeisler, Steve | Studies in Romans |
Cycle Of Self-Destruction | Romans 1:18-32 | Zeisler, Steve | Studies in Romans |
Great Good News | Romans 1:1-17 | Zeisler, Steve | Studies in Romans |
The Deepening Darkness | Romans 1:24-32 | Stedman, Ray | From Guilt to Glory -- Explained |
The Tragic Sense of Life | Romans 1:18-23 | Stedman, Ray | From Guilt to Glory -- Explained |
Introduction to Life | Romans 1:1-17 | Stedman, Ray | From Guilt to Glory -- Explained |
The Man God Uses | Romans 1:13-16 | Stedman, Ray | Main Service |
When Everyone Knows God | Romans 1:18-32 | Stedman, Ray | Romans (Series #1) |
Simple Christianity | Romans 1:1-17 | Stedman, Ray | Romans (Series #1) |
SERMONS BY VERSE - multiple sermons from older expositors