Click chart to enlarge
Charts from Jensen's Survey of the NT - used by permission
Another Chart from Charles Swindoll

Click chart to enlarge
CAVEAT: A number of the resources listed below interpret the events of Mt 24:15ff as prophecy which was fulfilled in the destruction of Jerusalem and the Holy by the Romans in 70 AD. Matthew 24:21 would seem to be a stumbling block to such an interpretation. Jesus said "For then (speaking of Mt 24:15-20+) there will be a great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will." Note His qualifier "NOR EVER WILL." Jesus is describing a time in history that will never be repeated (if we interpret Him literally, which I do). That means the worst tribulation in the history of the world occurred in 70 AD! What about World War I? What about World War II when 85 million people were killed? But let's say we restrict the "great tribulation" to an event just affecting the Jews. To say that the killing of upwards to a million Jews in 70 AD is worse than the 8 million killed by Hitler in the Holocaust does not seem to fit with Jesus' teaching in Mt 24:21 "NOR EVER WILL." For more discussion see Matthew 24:21 Commentary All this to say BE A BEREAN when you read the comments (INCLUDING MINE!) on the eschatological passages, especially Matthew 24-25.
Cyril Barber - Published posthumously in 1861 and covering (in detail) only chapters 1-16, this volume contains the same richness of thought and close attention to detail that is found in Alexander's other commentaries.
INDEX - Note that chapters 17-28 are only brief summaries.
MICHAEL ANDRUS - click link for audio and notes - click "Notes" for pdf
- Matthew 26:1-25:16 Broken and Spilled Out
- Matthew 26:14-26:30 The First Supper Phil Thengvall
- Matthew 26:31-26:75 The Steps to Peter's Defection
- Matthew 26:57-26:68 The Abuse of Religious Power Vs. Servant Leadership
Comment: I appreciate Barclay's unique insights on Greek words, but clearly his teaching about a "second chance" is NOT sound doctrine! Be an Acts 17:11 Berean with Barclay. See discussion of his orthodoxy especially the article "The Enigmatic William Barclay".
- Matthew 26
- Matthew 26:17-30 Venomoid Communion
- Matthew 26:31-56 Your Sword or His Cup?
- Matthew 26:57-75 Rooster Warnings
BRIAN BILL Sermons on Matthew
- Matthew 26:1-13 Jesus Forewarns Of His Crucifixion
- Matthew 26:14-30 Judas Plans To Betray Jesus To The Pharisees
- Matthew 26:31-46 Jesus Tells The Twelve He Will Be Crucified & Rise Again, And That Peter Will Deny Him
- Matthew 26:47-65 Jesus Is Arrested And Let To Appear Before Caiaphas And The High Priest
- Matthew 26:66-27:10 Jesus Appears Before The Chief Priests And Scribes
James Rosscup writes that "In many ways it is the finest and most satisfying overall older commentary on Matthew. It helps the student on almost every verse. Broadus deals frontally with problems and gives much rich material that throws light on the text. His citations from other sources are often very helpful. From the standpoint of the Greek text, he is also sound. This 1886 work, long a part of the American Commentary on the New Testament series, is still one of the best in detailed explanation of the text where it counts." (Ibid)
Rosscup rates this as the #2 best detailed exegetical commentary on Matthew.
Cyril Barber - Very complete. Tackles interpretative problems honestly. Provides "Homiletical and Practical" suggestions for preachers. Adopts an amillennial interpretation of Christ's parables and teaching about the Kingdom. Valuable.
D Edmond Hiebert - One of the ablest American commentaries on Matthew from the past century and still valuable for the systematic interpretation of the gospel. It is the work of an accomplished conservative scholar.
Note: Broadus does interpret Mt 24:15 as fulfilled in 70AD.
- Matthew 26:36-46 The Sufferings Of Jesus
- Matthew 26:56b-58; 69-75 Can They See Jesus In Me?
- Matthew 26:57-68 The Condemnation Of The King
- Matthew 26:69-75 To The Bottom And Back
- Matthew 26 Commentary - Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges
- Matthew 26 Commentary - Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges - more Greek text
- Matthew 26:1-26
- Matthew 26:26-30
- Matthew 26:30-75
- Matthew 26:31-46
- Matthew 26:47-68
- Matthew 26:51-75
- Matthew 26:69-27:10
- Matthew 26-27
- Matthew 26:1-16
- Matthew 26:17-30
- Matthew 26:31-35
- Matthew 26:36-46
- Matthew 26:47-56
- Matthew 26:57-75
- Matthew 26:26-30 Seven Sureties of the Sacred Supper
- Matthew 26:28 Can the Blood of Jesus Save Us?
- Matthew 26:26 The Chronology of the Supper
- Matthew 26:20-30 Chronicle of the Lord's Supper: The Night He Was Betrayed
- Matthew 26:14-30 The Body and Blood of Jesus
- Matthew 26:14-30 A Chronicle of the Lord's Supper
- Matthew 26:26-38 Broken Bread and a Broken Heart
- Matthew 26:25 The Two Suppers
- Matthew 26:17-30 The Holy Supper
- Matthew 26:59 The Witnesses Against Him
- Matthew 26:14 Body and Blood of Jesus
- Matthew 26:14-29 Breaking Bread Together
- Matthew 26:14-30 Remission of Sins
RON DANIEL - Sermon Notes
- Matthew 26:1-29The Passover Plan: Man Proposes, God Disposes
- Matthew 26:30-75 Jesus Arrested, Mankind on Trial
- Matthew 26:1-5 The Son of Man Will Be Delivered Up
- Matthew 26:6-13 Christ Anointed with Oil (for burial!)
- Matthew 26:14-19 Judas Sells the Messiah
- Matthew 26:20-25 The Son of Man Must Go
- Matthew 26:26-29 The Lord's Supper: Kingdom Meal
- Matthew 26:28 I Believe in the Forgivness of Sins
- Matthew 26:30-35 The Disciples will Flee
- Matthew 26:36-46 The Grieved and Distressed Savior
- Matthew 26:47-56 Jesus Betrayed
- Matthew 26:57-68 Jesus Before Caiaphas
- Matthew 26:69-75 Peter's Denial
CHARLES ELLICOTT (editor) - Edward H Plumptre - author of Matthew
D Edmond Hiebert A well-outlined paragraph-by-paragraph interpretation by a noted conservative Presbyterian teacher and writer. Intended for the lay reader. His understanding of the Olivet Discourse is premillennial.
This commentary is easy to read often with a devotional flavor.
EXPOSITOR'S DICTIONARY OF TEXTS - excerpts from other sermons
D Edmond Hiebert - Greek text. Provides introductory material on the synoptics in relation to each other and individually. The notes provide many illuminating insights for the Greek student. Due to its age, it does not reflect the latest insights concerning the Greek.
GENE GETZ - 10+/- minute videos emphazing principles in each section of Scripture
- Matthew; Principle #54; Mt. 26:6-16; Carnal Influence: We must not allow critical and carnal people to impact our thinking in negative ways. Video
- Matthew; Principle #55; Mt. 26:31-75; Our Great High Priest: Without justifying our failures, we are to be reassured that we have a great high priest who understands our humanness. Video
- Gospel of Matthew - Bible Survey
- Mt 10:2-4 Who were the twelve disciples / apostles of Jesus Christ?
- Mt 10:5-6, 15:24 Did Jesus come only for the Jews and not the Gentiles?
- Mt 10:14 What does it mean to shake the dust off your feet?
- Mt 10:16 What does it mean to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves?
- Mt 10:34-36 What did Jesus mean by coming to bring a sword?
- Mt 11:11 In what way was John the Baptist the greatest?
- Mt 11:15, 13:9, 43 What did Jesus mean when He said, “He who has ears to hear”?
- Mt 11:30 What does it mean when Jesus says “my yoke is easy and my burden is light”?
- Mt 12:8 What does it mean that Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath?
- Mt 12:13-21 What is the meaning of the Parable of the Rich Fool?
- Mt 12:25, 26 What does it mean that a house divided cannot stand?
- Mt 12:36 What are idle words?
- Mt 12:38-41 What is the sign of Jonah?
- Mt 12:42 Who was the Queen of the South?
- Mt 13:3, 10, 13, 18, 24, 31, 33, 34-36 Why did Jesus teach in parables?
- Mt 13:31-32 What is the meaning of the Parable of the Mustard Seed?
- Mt 13:33 What is the meaning of the Parable of the Leaven?
- Mt 13:36-43 What is the Parable of the Wheat and the Tares?
- Mt 13:44, 45-46 - What is the meaning of the parables of the hidden treasure and the pearl of great price?
- Mt 13:47 What is the meaning of the Parable of the Dragnet?
- Mt 14:15-34 What can we learn from Jesus’ feeding of the 5,000?
- Mt 14:25 What was the meaning of Jesus walking on water?
- Mt 15:22-27 Why did Jesus call the Canaanite woman a dog?
- Mt 15:24 Why did Jesus say that He was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel?
- Mt 16:18 - What are the gates of hell?
- Mt 16:19 What are the keys of the kingdom?
- Mt 16:23, Mk 8:33 - Why did Jesus say to Peter, “Get behind me Satan”?
- Mt 16:26 - What does it mean to love your neighbor as you love yourself?
- Mt 16:28 - Was Jesus' statement to the disciples in Luke 9:27 (Mk 9:1) incorrect?
- Mt 17:1-8, Mk 9:2-8, Lk 9:28-36 - What was the meaning and importance of the transfiguration?
- Mt 17:14-20 What does it mean to have mustard seed faith?
- Mt 17:20 - Can faith really move mountains?
- Mt 17:24-27 - What is the temple tax?
- Mt 18:15-17 How should Christians handle disputes?
- Mt 18:21,22 - What did Jesus mean when He said that we should forgive others seventy times seven?
- Mt 18:23-35 What is the meaning of the Parable of the Unforgiving / Unmerciful Servant?
- Mt 19:14 Why did Jesus say, “Let the little children come to me”?
- Mt 19:16-29, 30 - What did Jesus mean when He said the first will be last and the last will be first?
- Mt 19:16, 17-23 - Why did Jesus tell the rich young ruler he could be saved by obeying the commandments?
- Mt 19:24 What does it mean it is easier for a camel to go thru the eye of a needle than for a rich man to go to heaven?
- Mt 20:1-16, 19:27 - What is the meaning of the Parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard?
- Mt 20:29-34, Mk 10:46-52, Lk 18:35-43 - Did Jesus heal two blind men (Matthew) or one blind man (Mark, Luke)?
- Mt 21:1-17, Mk 11:1-11, Lk 19:29-40, Jn 12:12-19 - What is the significance of the triumphal entry?
- Mt 21:23-44 Why is Jesus called the stumbling stone?
- Mt 22:1-14, cp Lk 14:15-24 - What is the meaning of the Parable of the Wedding Feast?
- Mt 21:12, Mk 11:15ff, Lk 19:45ff, Jn 2:13ff How many times did Jesus cleanse the temple and why?
- Mt 21:13 What does it mean that the house of prayer had been turned into a den of thieves?
- Mt 21:28-32 What is the meaning of the Parable of the Two Sons?
- Mt 21:33-46, Mk 12:1-12, Lk 20:9-19 - What is the meaning of the Parable of the Vineyard?
- Mt 22:13 What is the outer darkness?
- Mt 22:14 - What does “Many are called but few are chosen” mean?
- Mt 22:21 - What did Jesus mean when He said, “Render to Caesar what is Caesar’s”?
- Mt 22:34-40, 38 - What is the greatest commandment?
- Mt 22:37-40 - What does it mean to gain the whole world but lose your soul?
- Mt 23:9 - Did Jesus mean that we should never refer to our earthly father as “father”?
- Mt 23:13-36 - Why did Jesus rebuke the scribes and Pharisees so harshly?
- Mt 23:15 - Why did Jesus refer to the Pharisees as a “child of hell”?
- Mt 24:1-25:46 - What happened on the Mount of Olives?
- Mt 24:1-25:46 What is the Olivet Discourse?
- Mt 24:34, Mk 13:30, Lk 21:34 - What did Jesus mean when He said, "this generation will not pass"?
- Mt 24:35 - What does it mean that heaven and earth will pass away?
- Mt 24:36, Mk 13:32 - If Jesus was God, why did He not know when He would return?
- Mt 24:36-44 Is it possible to know when Jesus is coming back?
- Mt 25:1-13 What is the meaning of the Parable of the Ten Virgins?
- Mt 25:14-30 What is the meaning of the Parable of the Talents?
- Mt 25:31-46 What is the meaning of the Parable of the Sheep and Goats?
- Mt 25:40, 31-46 - Who are the "least of these" in the Bible?
- Mt 26:1–29, Mk 14:12–25, Lk 22:7–20, Jn 13:1–38 - What happened in the upper room?
- Mt 26:7 - What is an alabaster box?
- Mt 26:41 - What does it mean to watch and pray?
- Mt 26:41 - What does it mean that the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak?
- Mt 26:52 - What does it mean to live by the sword and die by the sword?
- Mt 26:26-29, et al - What happened during Jesus’ last hours on earth?
- Mt 26:57, etal - What trials did Jesus face before His crucifixion?
- Mt 26:69-74, Mk 14:66-72, Lk 22:55-62, Jn 18:15-18, 25-27 - What was the reason behind Peter's denial of Jesus?
- Mt 27:25 - Are the Jews cursed because they killed Christ and asked for “His blood to be on us"?
- Mt 27:32; Mk 15:21; Lk 23:26, cp Jn 19:17 - Who helped Jesus carry the cross?
- Mt 27:46, et al - What are the last seven sayings of Christ and what do they mean?
- Mt 27:46, Mk 15:34 - If Jesus was God, why did He call God "My God?"
- Mt 27:46 - Why did Jesus say, 'My God, my God, why have you forsaken me'?
- Mt 27:52, 53 - What is the meaning of those who were raised to life at Jesus’ death (Matthew 27:52-53)?
- Mt 28:19, Acts 2:38 - Should we be baptized in Jesus' name, or in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?
SCOTT GRANT - Links keep changing - go to link for sermons, select "Browse Books" then "Matthew" and scroll down
- Matthew 26:17-29 Receive What Jesus Gives
- Matthew 26:57-75 The Tears of Opportunity
HOLMAN STUDY - Open>select "gear" symbol right upper page>select "Synch>enter Scripture
- Matthew Notes - well done notes
DAVID HOLWICK - frequent illustrations
JAMES HASTINGS Matthew - Great Texts of the Bible
- Sermons on Matthew - Mp3
- Sermon Notes on Matthew - 176 pages - Uses a lot of alliteration
- Not Futuristic
- 26
Tim Challies: Keener’s work receives high recommendations and significant warnings about the limits of its usefulness.
Click for Another Critique on Keener's commentary on Matthew
Futuristic on Matthew 24-25
- Matthew 26:1-16 The Order of the Alabaster Box
- Matthew 26:17-25 The Last Passover and the First Lord’s Supper, part I
- Matthew 26:26-29 The Last Passover and the First Lord’s Supper, part II
- Matthew 26:30-35 Peter Learning Romans Seven
- Matthew 26:36-46 The Agony in Gethsemane
- Matthew 26:47-56 Sovereign Grace in the State of Humiliation
- Matthew 26:57-69 Christ Before Caiaphas, the Cynical Timerserver
- 55. Living in the Shadow of the Cross Matthew 26:1-5
- 56. Extravagant Love Matthew 26:6-13
- 57. The Sins of Judas Matthew 26:14-16, 20-25
- 58. The Last Supper Matthew 26:17-20, 26-30
- 59. Prelude to Denial Matthew 26:31-35, 69-75
- 60. The Agony in Gethsemane Matthew 26:36-46
- 61. The Arrest in Gethsemane Matthew 26:47-68
STEVE KRELOFF - Messianic Pastor
Futuristic on Matthew 24-25
- Matthew 26:1-16 Preparing for Christ's Death
- Matthew 26:17-19 The Celebration of the Lord's Supper 1 - Study Guide - click dropdown
- Matthew 26:17-19 The Celebration of the Lord's Supper 1 - Study Guide - click dropdown
- Matthew 26:17-19 The Last Passover 1
- Matthew 26:17-19 The Last Passover 1 - Study Guide - click dropdown
- Matthew 26:20-30 The Last Passover 2
- Matthew 26:20-30 The Last Passover 2 - Study Guide - click dropdown
- Matthew 26:31-35: Restoring Deserting Disciples
- Matthew 26:31-35: Restoring Deserting Disciples - Study Guide - click dropdown
- Matthew 26:36-39: Man of Sorrows 1
- Matthew 26:40-46: Man of Sorrows 2
- Matthew 26:36-39: The Son in Sorrow 1
- Matthew 26:36-39: The Son in Sorrow 1 - Study Guide - click dropdown
- Matthew 26:40-46 The Son in Sorrow 2
- Matthew26:40-46: The Son in Sorrow 2 - Study Guide - click dropdown
- Matthew 26:47-50a: The Traitor's Kiss 1 - Study Guide - click dropdown
- Matthew 26:47-50a: The Traitor's Kiss 1
- Matthew 26:50b-56: The Traitor's Kiss 2 - Study Guide - click dropdown
- Matthew 26:50b-56: The Traitor's Kiss 2
- Matthew 26:57ff: Illegal, Unjust Trials of Jesus - Study Guide 1 - click dropdown
- Matthew 26:57ff: Illegal, Unjust Trials of Jesus
- Matthew 26:62-68: Illegal, Unjust Trials of Jesus - Study Guide 2 - click dropdown
- Matthew 26:62-68: Illegal, Unjust Trials of Jesus 2
- Matthew 26:58, 69-75 The Restoration of a Sinning Saint
- Matthew 26:58, 69-75 The Restoration of a Sinning Saint - Study Guide 2 - click dropdown
- Matthew 26:17-30 The New Passover
- Matthew 26:27-28 'This Cup’
- Matthew 26:29 'Until That Day’
- Matthew 26:36-46 Gethsemane, the Oil-press
- Matthew 26:50 The Last Pleading of Love
- Matthew 26:57-68 The Real High Priest and His Counterfeit
- Matthew 26:35 Jesus Charged with Blasphemy
HEINRICH A MEYER - Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament
Hiebert - The prince of biblical expositors covers the entire gospel in a series of seventy-three biblical expositions. This volume on Matthew is the best of his expository volumes on the four gospels. Does not deal with critical introductory problems. The volume requires careful and intent reading, and offers many rich spiritual insights into Matthew's gospel.
Hiebert comments on "A Practical Commentary on the Gospel According to St. Matthew" (1895) - The lengthy introduction covers critical problems and supports traditional Matthean authorship. This volume of some 650 closely printed pages offers a thorough interpretation by an accomplished conservative scholar of the previous century. It shows wide acquaintance with the scholarly work on the gospel to his day. (Ed: His comments are verse by verse, phrase by phrase, often with a devotional "flavor.")
HENRY MORRIS - Defender's Study Bible study notes - well-done, conservative
NET BIBLE NOTES - short notes including notes on passages where there is a variation in the manuscripts used for translation. Futuristic
- Matthew 26:1-13 Anointed for Burial
- Matthew 26:14-25 Christ Betrayed
- Matthew 26:26-30 The Kingdom Meal
- Matthew 26:31-35 Scattered Sheep
- Matthew 26:36-46 The Son Drinks the Cup
- Matthew 26:47-56 The Son Betrayed
- Matthew 26:57-68 The Son Condemned
- Matthew 26:69-75 The Son Denied by His Friend
JAMES NISBET - Church Pulpit Commentary
- Matthew 26 - multiple on one page
- Matthew 26:6-13
- Matthew 26:8
- Matthew 26:13
- Matthew 26:13
- Matthew 26:17-29
- Matthew 26:20-30
- Matthew 26:33-35
- Matthew 26:30
- Matthew 26:36ff
- Matthew 26:36-40
- Matthew 26:36-46
- Matthew 26:36-46
- Matthew 26:38
- Matthew 26:39
- Matthew 26:39
- Matthew 26:41
- Matthew 26:42
- Matthew 26:69-75
- Matthew 26:69-75
- Matthew 26:73
- Matthew 26 The Cup Forgiveness- J. Mike Minnix
- Matthew 26:36-46 Have You Had Your Gethsemane? - J. Gerald Harris
- Matthew 26:36-46 Have You Had A Gethsemane? - J. Gerald Harris
- Matthew 26:38 Tarry Ye Here - Alan Stewart
- Matthew 26:53-54 Hold Back The Angels - J. Gerald Harris
- Matthew 26:63-64: Son of Man Coming on Clouds
- Matthew 26:59-64 What Jesus Built by Rising from the Dead
- Matthew 26:26-32 When I Am Raised Up, I Will Go Before You To Galilee
- Matthew 26:1-13 Devotion to Christ
- Matthew 26:14-25 Judas
- Matthew 26:17-30 The Lord’s Supper
- Matthew 26:31-35, 69-75 Peter as Every Christian
- Matthew 26:36-46 Gethsemane
- Matthew 26:47-68 Pious Villainy
DON ROBINSON - transcripts, conservative
- Three Views Of The Lord's Supper - Matthew 26:20-29
- The Betrayal - Matthew 26:36-50
- Sweet Hour of Prayer #3: Confession - Matthew 26:40-41
- Sweet Hour of Prayer #5: Watching - Matthew 26:40-41
- The Coming Kingdom of God - 60 page booklet (futuristic)
- To Earth With Love - 23 pages
- Willing to Pay the Price (discipleship) - 15 pages
- Matthew - Divorce on Trial - 25 pages
- Matthew 26:1-16 The Anointing of Jesus
- Matthew 26:17-29 Jesus‟ Last Supper
- Matthew 26:30-56 Jesus Betrayed and Abandoned
- Matthew 26:57-75 Jesus Before the High Priest
- Gethsemane Matthew 26:36-46
- Matthew 26 Commentary
- Matthew 26:2 After Two Days is the Passover
- Matthew 26:7-13: Good Work
- Matthew 26:10 Something Done for Jesus
- Matthew 26:13: A Woman's Memorial
- Matthew 26:26 Take, Eat
- Matthew 26:28 The Blood Shed for Many
- Matthew 26:29 The New Wine of the Kingdom
- Matthew 26:30 The Memorable Hymn
- Matthew 26:36 The Garden of the Soul
- Matthew 26:39 Christian Resignation
- Matthew 26:53, 54 Jesus Declining the Legions
- Matthew 26:64 Nevertheless, Hereafter
- Matthew 26:67 Rev 20:11 An Awful Contrast
C H SPURGEON - Devotionals
- Matthew 26:33
- Matthew 26:39
There are several instructive features in our Saviour’s prayer in his hour of trial. It was lonely prayer. He withdrew even from his three favoured disciples. Believer, be much in solitary prayer, especially in times of trial. Family prayer, social prayer, prayer in the Church, will not suffice, these are very precious, but the best beaten spice will smoke in your censer in your private devotions, where no ear hears but God’s.
It was humble prayer. Luke says he knelt, but another evangelist says he “fell on his face.” Where, then, must be THY place, thou humble servant of the great Master? What dust and ashes should cover thy head! Humility gives us good foot-hold in prayer. There is no hope of prevalence with God unless we abase ourselves that he may exalt us in due time.
It was filial prayer. “Abba, Father.” You will find it a stronghold in the day of trial to plead your adoption. You have no rights as a subject, you have forfeited them by your treason; but nothing can forfeit a child’s right to a father’s protection. Be not afraid to say, “My Father, hear my cry.”
Observe that it was persevering prayer. He prayed three times. Cease not until you prevail. Be as the importunate widow, whose continual coming earned what her first supplication could not win. Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving.
Lastly, it was the prayer of resignation. “Nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt.” Yield, and God yields. Let it be as God wills, and God will determine for the best. Be thou content to leave thy prayer in his hands, who knows when to give, and how to give, and what to give, and what to withhold. So pleading, earnestly, importunately, yet with humility and resignation, thou shalt surely prevail.
- Matthew 26:56
He never deserted them, but they in cowardly fear of their lives, fled from him in the very beginning of his sufferings. This is but one instructive instance of the frailty of all believers if left to themselves; they are but sheep at the best, and they flee when the wolf cometh. They had all been warned of the danger, and had promised to die rather than leave their Master; and yet they were seized with sudden panic, and took to their heels. It may be, that I, at the opening of this day, have braced up my mind to bear a trial for the Lord’s sake, and I imagine myself to be certain to exhibit perfect fidelity; but let me be very jealous of myself, lest having the same evil heart of unbelief, I should depart from my Lord as the apostles did. It is one thing to promise, and quite another to perform. It would have been to their eternal honour to have stood at Jesus’ side right manfully; they fled from honour; may I be kept from imitating them! Where else could they have been so safe as near their Master, who could presently call for twelve legions of angels? They fled from their true safety. O God, let me not play the fool also. Divine grace can make the coward brave. The smoking flax can flame forth like fire on the altar when the Lord wills it. These very apostles who were timid as hares, grew to be bold as lions after the Spirit had descended upon them, and even so the Holy Spirit can make my recreant spirit brave to confess my Lord and witness for his truth.
What anguish must have filled the Saviour as he saw his friends so faithless! This was one bitter ingredient in his cup; but that cup is drained dry; let me not put another drop in it. If I forsake my Lord, I shall crucify him afresh, and put him to an open shame. Keep me, O blessed Spirit, from an end so shameful.
- Matthew 26:64
Not Futuristic on Mt 24-25 See Commentary on Matthew in Pdf
NOTE: This is a different set of expository notes
DON STEWART - 385 pages (1997)
- Jesus' Cross, Death, Resurrection, and Accession - Matthew 26:1-28:20
- The Son of Man will be handed over to be crucified - Matthew 26:1-5
- Anointing of Jesus - Mathew 26:6-13
- Judas agrees to betray Jesus - Matthew 26:14-16
- The last supper - Matthew 26:17-30
- Jesus predicts Peter's denial - Matthew 26:31-35
- Gethsemane - Matthew 26:36-46
- Jesus' Arrest - Matthew 26:47-56
- Trial before the Sanhedrin - Matthew 26:57-68
- Peter denies Christ - Matthew 26:69-75
TODAY IN THE WORD - Devotionals often with good sermon illustrations